Saturday, 28 December 2013

#31 - 20/20

Hey guys! It's a Saturday, woohoo!! I think for those of you who are working, it was prolly your last day at work yesterday? (Like finally!!) Or maybe just my mum. anyway, I thought I would pen down my birthday thoughts today. It didn't dawn on me that I spent my 20th birthday on the 20th of December until my brother told me. How cool is that?! Plus, it happens only once thus the 20/20 title. My mind was blown at that point of time in which case, it marks a special year for me (:

So on the 19th, a bunch of my classmates came together for a dinner gathering and we exchanged presents. Even though it was only a small group of us, it felt homely. That marked a special moment for me which will hold a special place in my heart 'cos they celebrated it for me! Although they had meant for it to be a surprise, I was prepared for it. Funny enough, I was able to guess what they gave to me. HAHA! Actually, I didn't think I would need one but it's thoughtful of them to have given to me an unexpected gift. THANK YOU CHERMAINE, JULIA, INDAH and of course, JO'SSY, for the gift and the lovely cake as well as the thoughtful Xmas presents! x

On the day itself, it wasn't an eventful day but rather I spent time editing photos and  talking to my bro as well as my grandparents. Tbh, I was disappointed at first with how the day turned out to be but I didn't want to wallow in sadness and be consumed by it. I told myself that The Lord has so much more for me and as long I know that he loves me more than anyone, nothing can bring me down not even myself. After that, I was over it and what followed was much more. I remember going to MUJI whilst shopping for gifts that I spotted a bag which was what I was looking for. It was definitely pricey given that it was under a Japanese label and I had told my mum to check it out. I didn't expect her to get it for me 'cos at that point of time, I didn't intend for anything. It was merely a remark. Guess what I received? 

My family chipped in and got me THE BAG (dramatic SFX!!!) and in the color I wanted!!! (DRAMATIC S F X !!!!!!!) Oh my gosh it was perfect and if I had my life recorded, you could zoom in and see the glistening in my eyeballs. Ding ding ding ~ starry eyed ~ It is the best gift I'd received and nothing can beat that. Hehehehe now I got new bag! Woohoooooooooo!!!!! THANK YOU MUMMY, DADDY and of course, MY LITTLE BABY BRO (chiku) HAHA I love you guys (:

How can I forget my well wishers? Some wishes came in early, some were late. Those I never thought would, did. Still, I thank you all so much for the thoughtful wishes! Thank you Jos, Jul, Cherms, Indah, Camilia, Shuwen, Qingli, Aihui, Kerencia, Salina, Kunyan, Samiah, Grace, Liz, Liling, Celestine, Anj and Jessin! X

Thank you for reading, x

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