Saturday, 2 November 2013


Hey yo! How are you guys? Good? I've been pretty busy this week and will continue to be for the following weeks but it's okay! At least, I'm doing something productive and learning stuff!

So, on Sunday mum, me and my bro made lunch together. We have this thing where we make food that my dad wouldn't usually eat when it's just the 3 of us at home. It's called #onepansundays ! Why? It's because we usually throw the ingredients into one pan and eat from there.

It was super duper yummy!!!!! Food-gasm overloadz. We had the left side mixed with egg and the other with cheese. For this dish, I'll have to go with the cheesy side. Obviously. (:

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Today, my family and I had planned to explore Little Guilin but unfortunately when we arrived it rained. I was a little disappointed but I decided to take it with a pinch of salt and treated the rest of the day as an adventure. (I guess I was influenced by Ben and Louis) I really feel that time is flying and I have no time to do so many things so with every time I have, it shall be an adventure and a good experience! Even though we didn't get to have a picnic, we got to spend time together which is always the best time. (:

Guilin pictures will be up on Insta so follow me or check me out if you want! @shemetjoe

Stay fabulous,
Thanks for reading x

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