Wednesday, 18 September 2013

# 20 - Chocolate Hazelnut Cake (My Mum Bakes)

Hey y'all! Time really flies! It's been 2 weeks since my holidays started and I, unlike many of my peers have accomplished only a fair bit. I don't have anything planned out to do during the holidays even though I did mention that I wanted to find a job. I took the first step of opening up Classifieds and looking through to find a job that might interest me but..nothing. I know many people would say that you would never find out if you like the job unless you try or just take up any job to gain the experience and if you don't like it, then you know that this is one of the thousands of jobs that would not fit me. I like that positive thinking but at the end of the day, I think that doing what I love to do would make me want to get out of bed and quickly start work. Yes, many factors fall in place and so does many different reasons to why I should take up any job but I don't want to be striving at work. So, that was just a piece that I had to pen down which maybe (just maybe) wasted 1 min of your time. HA.


My Mum Bakes! strikes again. This time, she made a chocolate hazelnut cake that amazingly didn't require flour but just oil and hazelnuts. (of course chocolates...) Again, I want to say that I edited the photos BEFORE I realised that someone had already taken up the name XFOCUS so, therefore, I don't intend to infringe any copyright!

They were delicious and I really love the texture of it because it was both soft and moist! Just like a piece of brownie :) yumz. Sigh, what to do, my mum is so talented and she feeds me with good stuff until I'm this big. *looks at sad tummy with 1 family pack* HAHAHA #blessed


So whilst I'm typing up this post, I'm waiting for the darn video to load. I'm currently on a My Princess marathon because SSH is just tooooo *puppy eyes* *starry eyed*. I realised that my biases (kinda weird to type this) are WAAAAAY older. LOL 

IF you have nothing to do, (like me lol) I recommend to watch this KDrama because it touches on issues like the old vs new and politics. Not only that, I think the character types are interesting because of the r/s and conflicting feelings. ALSO, A LOT OF SUBTEXT therefore thinking about what the characters say and feel goes through my mind a lot. Thanks to theatre teachings. HAHA Have fun watching!

As always,
Thanks for reading, x.

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