Friday, 23 August 2013

# 16 - Quick update x Burnin' x Playlist

Hey it's been 2 weeks since I lasted posted. So, how's it going?

Quick update : (before I dive into my relaxing day at the beach)
I've just finished my performance for a module and I'm so relieved + glad that it was over. Most importantly, it was a success because we actually made the audience laugh and kept the pace going yknow. :') Thankful for my team mates who stuck by. You guys know who you are! <3 x

Also, I'm almost done with all my modules which is also another good thing because I wouldn't have to do any more RJs at least for a few weeks. However, my last stretch of exams are 'round the corner so I might not be posting for a long time. Not that I post everytime...but... yeahh..

Oh, one more thing! I'm feeling excited to receive Glasshouse merchandise cos I bought them! They are nicely designed and pretty. I'm not paid to do this but do support The Sam Willows through contributing to their Glasshouse MV! Their still short on their goal but if everyone just chip in a bit, I'm sure they can reach it! Click and check out the different perks they have to offer!



So, on the 8th of August just a day before Singapore's National Day, my family and I decided to have a BBQ by the beach. It's been on my mum's mind for a while to have a BBQ with a portable pit and we finally did! In the morning, our family went to get ingredients like prawns, sausages, bacon and corn etc. Then, we took a cab and went to East Coast Park.

The weather wasn't what we wanted it to be because my dad actually checked the weather forecast and it was SUPPOSED to be sunny. *starts singing Fort Minor's - Where'd You Go and looks out into the horizon* Anywayyyy, we had to wait it out so instead of having BBQ for lunch, we had it for dinner.

We sat on a table facing the sea and BBQ-ed our food. It was funny because we sat right in front of the huge BBQ pit where you have to book in advance while we just like sit down and *BAM* BBQ. The whole time when we were there, the people BBQ-ing behind us were looking at us. It's the kind of "Oh your puny BBQ set ain't gon cook nuthin' " look but hey, we still succeeded.

Me, mum and bro packed corn, mushroom + capsicum kebab, fresh salad, sausages, bacon and prawns! It doesn't sound like much but by the time we ended the BBQ, I was soooo full that I almost exploded. Literally.

It wasn't too hot and neither was it too windy. The weather was perfect for a BBQ and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The food turned out better than I'd expected in fact, it was delicious! MMMMMM :P

(I think they are Portobello mushrooms? Sorry, not a food connoisseur nor expert at recognising mushroom types. I poked a satay stick into the mushroom together with capsicums. In the background are the butter prawns and on the right are the sausages bought from the supermarket)

(cookin' up some butter prawnsssszx)


That kinda sums up the day cos right after that, we went back home, watched some TV and went to bed! Basically, a really chill day ;) The next time you ever think of having a BBQ with some friends or your family, THINK SMART, GO PORTABLE.  - HAHAHA that was actually a good catchphrase.

So, as always, thanks for reading! x
Social Media links on the side so follow me if you want and I'll talk to everyone soon.

Also, I've been really into Arctic Monkeys. Here are a few song recommendations :
A Certain Romance :
Mardy Bum :
Why'd You Only Call Me When You High :
R U Mine :
Cornerstone :

Hope you'd like it :)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


Hi, I'm finally back with a proper photo post! It's been a while but I've been so overwhelmed with school assignments and lack of sleep but finally(!) the long weekends are here!! I'm so excited because I get to have a short break away from the routine and my school. While sitting in my room, waiting for the laundry to be done and for the RJ to be released, I now have the time to blog yay! ON TO THE PHOTOS!


Just last weekend, (wow time really flies) I met up with my secondary school mates for a farewell + gathering and we feasted over steamboat. It was a farewell meant for my beloved friend, Grace, who is going off to Boston to continue her studies. Even though I didn't stay for long, it was a good meet-up and I felt that my weekend was well-spent :)

A bunch of us went over to Nex to go get ingredients and apparently we were left with a lot of meat items in the end. HAHA

 ^ pretty self-explanatory photo here. We had cheese meatballs (omg these balls were so good. umm don't think otherwise.) , the usual fishballs, meatballs, porkballs and sausages!

^ Chef Eileen on duty along with Grace to prepare the ingredients while I just give moral + eye support ;P

^ of course, steamboat wouldn't be complete without a couple of veggies to give me fibre so that I will have a proper start to my day tmr with my business out of the way. If you get what I mean.

.....& so the feasting starts! Can you count how many meat items we have on the table?! (no prize though)

 ^ the few who came yesterday to enjoy the feasting :)

^ sorry lah all busy eating so no time to take photo. haha

 ^ first photo : my EC. She is so cuteeee hehehehe ok stahp joywe.

Mama Eileen + EC + GRACIEEEEE :)

 ^ the better group photo because everyone looks so happy :)

 Yay polaroid shot! I love polaroids hehehe hint hint

 ^ last girl group photo before I went off. So tiring to bend down hahaha but for them I would. cheyyy ;P


On a final note, I'm so glad that I still have my secondary school mates to accompany me through this journey. Thank you everyone who still wanna be friends with me even when I have boyish hair and when I have extremely long hair HAHA I am so thankful for you guys :)

Aaaaand, dear Grace, I still wish you all the best in your pursuit of happiness in music. Thank you for being an inspiration to me for never giving up on your dreams and passion. Let's keep in touch and when you need me, I'll always be here! See you soon! x